Representative DeMolay

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Every DeMolay should be a Representative DeMolay 

The Representative DeMolay Award is the highest self-achievement award Active and Senior DeMolays can earn. It’s a self-assessment program where you progress towards goals you set for yourself. You complete a detailed survey of your interests, achievements, general knowledge, and habits. The Representative DeMolay program was first established in 1924, and for many years was a competition to select outstanding DeMolays. In 1935, the program was redesigned to fill a growing need for self-evaluation by every DeMolay.

How to apply?

The Representative DeMolay in New York has its own form that must be used. It can be found in our downloads section here.

DeMolays may begin the paperwork, but may not be turned in until they have been a member for six months.

Who has been so honored? You can see a list of all of our honorees here :

More info?  Please contact "Dad" David Schneider