2021 NY DeMolay State Officer Candidates

Below is the list of candidates for state officers. They have met the standards set in the New York DeMolay governing documents. Elections to take place on Saturday July 31, 2021. The Credentials Committee Report may be found here. 

State Master Councilor

NAME: Brian Ramos
CHAPTER: Knickerbocker Chapter
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge, Founder's Membership Award
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: State Master Councilor
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
The biggest challenge facing New York DeMolay is getting the ball rolling as COVID-19 slowly comes to an end. It is important to continue to keep up with membership and growth when it comes to events and meetings and do what we can in order to not only increase membership, but also revive members who where not as active during the pandemic.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? One thing I would like added is a volunteer // community service opportunity for all chapters and members. This does not have to be a mandatory thing, but I think it's important for those who want to do community service or need to for school, to have the opportunity from DeMolay. Even if it's going somewhere once a month. I believe that DeMolay is one of the best opportunities to learn things that you typically wont learn in school, and I want every member to understand this. Personally, I was not given any opportunity to do any personal community service or volunteer hours, and regret not being able to do and put any of it onto my resume for my future. I know that experience is very important so maybe something we can implement is something that helps further boost ones resume, aside from DeMolay itself.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
I plan to help New York DeMolay grow with more personal reach. Communication is so important when it comes to organizations like this and this is what I want to advance in. Jorge and I have been working on a new communication platform called slack that we will strive to get everyone on. With this, State announcements, MC announcements, and more will be able to be seen by everyone. This is also where more professional communication will take place, and other personal conversations will be done in our last platform, discord. It is our job as State Officers to make this platform known as our platform for communication, otherwise it'll be left in the dust. I know with consistency, we will be able to do this. The better the communication, the better the events, meetings, and experiences for our DeMolay.
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
One time I experienced a challenge in DeMolay was my first time being an RMC. This was a challenge because it was my first year in the state team and at the time it was just Brother Sam as our SMC, and Brother Austin as our Deputy SMC. At the time, I was the only RMC so I was not sure what to do. I was confused on how to handle the task along with school and other activities of my life. Balance was something I could not figure out for the first few months. Because of this, my RMC event was not as successful as it could have been. However, because I gained experience in how the state team functioned, and as I got to experiment with different time management plans, I finally learned how to balance everything. In fact, my time management skills increased dramatically because of my passion to have a better term as a State Officer. Now That I have 3 years of being a state officer in my hands, I know I  can overcome similar challenges in the future when it comes to DeMolay, and even future jobs.
Why do you seek this office?
When I was Master Counsilor of Knickerbocker Chapter, I loved seeing the smile on one of the members face after I would do my public speaking activity or speeches. The idea of self improvement and productivity is something that I have studied for years, and I know that I can use this position to spread what I have learned to all the young men in DeMolay. Whether its productivity towards helping family, in school, or becoming a better man then one was yesterday are all things that I believe I can share. My goal also is to help the young men find their reason as to why they should work hard. Personally, my goal is to repay the sacrifices my parents have made for me using my knowledge and experience that I get from school and DeMolay. I want the members to also find their reason to strive to be better. I also want to improve on my leadership and communication abilities. I know I can do this by being consistant and being open to learn from others. I understand that in order to be a good leader, I have to be a good listener. I want to put a smile on all the young DeMolays faces and also want them to be better and more experienced men by the end. My goal is not to be the best SMC there has ever been. My goal is to start a domino effect within the organization towards improvement. That way, the experiences of the young men get better every year.
Favorite Activity?
Take pictures for Instagram.
How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as a good listener.

Deputy State Master Councilor



NAME: Jorge Hernandez
CHAPTER: Mohawk Valley
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Founder's Membership Award
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Deputy State Master Councilor
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
There is a boundary surrounding state officers that prevents other brothers from reaching out and discussing their ideas. When I was a newly initiated DeMolay, I revered state officers with a respect and prestige that give the impression that they were not to be bothered. Sure, I thought that each of the state officers was cool and charismatic, but there seemed to be this dogma that you couldn't approach a state officer unless they approached you. Tearing down this wall between state officers and brothers is crucial to improving the communication in the state, improving the quality of events, and furthering the connection to our brothers.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? Simply put, I would appreciate meeting with RMC's on a more frequent basis or at least digging deeper into the status of their planning at SEC meetings.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
By putting RMC's in the spotlight and helping them plan & fund their region events will help NY DeMolay as a whole. While simply throwing money at them will not solve anything, I think that encouraging RMC's to plan fundraisers will help strengthen NY DeMolay. Having RMC's plan more of a variety of events could generate interest in DeMolay. Instead of just a fun event and a degree class, have RMC's plan a fundraiser, a charity, community service, "fun" events that target various specific interests. I know that this will overwhelm the region team consisting of only an advisor and an RMC, so I think we should lend the support of state officers to relieve some of the responsibility. RMC's should also try to enlist help from brothers of their respective regions to help garner interest in state offices.
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
This year, I have been struggling to be as present in my role as RMC as I could've been. Part of the issue is school, part of it is the pandemic, and part of it is a loss of motivation/fear of making a wrong move. I think that Dad Alvarado has really helped me overcome that during our time planning my region event and helped me find my excitement for it.
Why do you seek this office?
There are two reasons I would like to be DSMC- I've seen brother Ramos's vision of what NY DeMolay should be; it resonates with me deeply. His concerns are one's I've had since I've joined DeMolay, and his solutions are ones that I can support. He is also very organized and thoughtful when planning; by serving as DSMC under Bro. Ramos, we will both be able to accomplish as many things as we set our minds to. And that excites me. I may not be as organized as him, but I fully expect to improve that. My second reason is that I want to serve NY DeMolay as much as I can for playing such a role in my development. My focuses are centered around leaving a mark on things, even if no one else is there to witness it. I have become engrossed in project and event planning in ways I never imagined I could be engrossed in something. I believe that a term with Bro. Ramos as SMC and me as DSMC, we could create an image of DeMolay that I've been longing to see- a more connected DeMolay, a more organized DeMolay, and a livelier DeMolay at the chapter level.
Favorite Activity?
Watch YouTube lectures about design, music, math, literature etc.
How would you describe yourself?
I am either overly-confident or petrifyingly bashful. No moderation. I am an introvert who doesn’t mind speaking in front of groups, in fair doses. I tend to think with my head over my heart unless I am flustered. I often get caught up imagining the past and future potential of things rather than trying to avoid over-analyzing them.

Lakes Region Master Councilor



NAME: Gavin Johnson
CHAPTER: Olean Chapter
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge, Founder's Membership Award
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Lakes Region Master Councilor
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
The biggest challenge facing Demolay today is membership. Many chapters have been losing members or becoming nonexistent because there are not enough members to keep chapters open. Covid has caused people to stay away from organizations.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? I would try to spread awareness about Demolay to try to attract new members. Having events is important in bringing new members.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
I would try to hold events and fundraisers and invite other chapters and friends to attend in the hopes for new members and brothers
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
I've faced many challenges in my time in Demolay. The LCCs were a hurdle that took a great amount if time to overcome. I sat down and studied for hours to pass the tests and eventually I got then all finished.  Membership in Demolay is also a struggle when it comes to attendance at the meetings.
Why do you seek this office?
I want this office so I can try to bring more members in Demolay and other chapters can open back up.
Favorite Activity?
I like to hang with my friends or ride my bike
How would you describe yourself?
I am a kind person and I always try to do what's best for everyone.

Four Rivers Region Master Councilor



NAME: Nicholas Heitmann
CHAPTER: Mowhawk valley
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Rivers Region Master Councilor
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? Getting more members
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
To get demolay out in the communities by advertising it
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
Not doing good in ritual competition by studying
Why do you seek this office?
To help demolay grow
Favorite Activity?
Play basketball and football also play  call of duty and fortnite with freinds
How would you describe yourself?
A person that is there for people



Metro Region Master Councilor
NAME: Robin Santos
CHAPTER: Knickerbocker Chapter
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge, Founder's Membership Award, Blue Honor Key
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Metropolitan Region Master Councilor
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
The biggest challenge facing New York Demolay is membership. Membership is essential in keeping New York Demolay alive. Without its members, NY Demolay will cease to exist. I noticed that some chapters struggle to maintain its members and requires some assistance.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? One thing I would focus on is how DeMolay will advertise itself to parties that are not familiar with DeMolay.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
I plan to help NY DeMolay grow by constructing  a plan with the upcoming state team that will focus on the retention of the current members, events, advertisement of DeMolay, and membership.
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
One challenge I have experienced in DeMolay is my fear of public speaking. Upon my first days in Knickerbocker Chapter, I was a shy kid that had trouble interacting with the members because I did not know them. When it comes to rituals, I was afraid to say my part. However, as time progressed, the members of my chapter help me overcome this fear by giving me courage. Now, I am confident in public speaking, and will encourage others to overcome this fear.
Why do you seek this office?
DeMolay has impacted me that has changed my life, and I believe this is my way of giving back to the advisors and the members of DeMolay. Running for this position will serve as a way for me to express my ideas on improving DeMolay.
Favorite Activity?
Play games, read, hang out with friends, trade
How would you describe yourself?
According to the personality test that I took, I am under IFNJ. According to myself,  I am a confident person who loves DeMolay.

Appointed State Officers



NAME: Leonard Lao
CHAPTER: Knickerbocker
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Appointed State Officer
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
Youth involvement is one of the biggest challenges. The attendance for my home chapter has decreased drastically since the pandemic and I know this is for every chapter in the metro region. I believe that having simple fun events and activities would involve youth more. A great example is MC Austin Altman of Knights Templar chapter. He is involving the youth with fun activities and cool things. Recently, he did a cooking show for his chapter and it personally gave me inspiration and motivation to want to be on his cooking show. I also believe that activites pertaining to the 7 cardinal virtues and the obligatory days would be great for the youth to learn about them and give back. For example, for Devotional Day we could assist a place of worship in community service while learning more about their religion and culture in accordance to the 2nd preceptor: Reverence for Sacred Things. I believe that all knowledge is important and it would be a great opportunity for the youth to learn. This would also be great press for social media and maybe the local newspaper.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? By implementing more outdoor trips, activities to help the environment, and energetic activities. Spending over a year locked in my home and in a concrete jungle has made me miss the outdoors and my desire to reconnect. On a rainy spring day, I spent my time admiring the growth of leaves in the trees, the beauty of the green and wanting to go hiking. I believe everyone could benefit from a hike and camping trip as to reconnect with the environment. With this reconnection with the outdoors, some may be inspired to give back  and would be more inclined to assist in environmental activities such as cleaning up a beach. Energetic activities would allow youth to get the blood and adrenaline pumping and have fun. I would want to focus activities that do not require a lot of athleticism and competitiveness as to appeal to everyone. For example, paintball and bowling from Springfest '21. Gradually, and through trial and error, we could increase and decrease those factors pertaining to youth reactions to the activites and demands for different activities.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
I plan on making New York DeMolay grow by having more in-person activities and extending the invitation to friends who may or may not be interested in joining DeMolay and to other organizations. These other organizations would be rainbow, triangle, amaranth, freemason lodges, other DeMolay state councils, and maybe non mason affiliated organizations such as the scouts. These days of activities would be more focused on days of fun and socializing and it would introduce the fraternal organization to those that had no idea it existed. It would make people think "hey that was a fun day and they were cool maybe Jimmy would want to hang with them". Jimmy could be a brother, a friend, a cousin, or whoever. Showing people and exposing them to our potential as a fraternity is always better than another spiel. An example of this was Knights Templar's May Day event in New Rochelle Masonic Care Community.
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
One challenge I experienced was planning this year's Springfest event. During the brainstorming process, my brothers and I were thinking of what happened in past events and what other people were doing. We didn't want to do the same thing that past people did but we naturally looked to their events. We wanted to see what went right, what went wrong and what we could do next. Dad Brusoe and Dad Evarts saw that if we replicated and tweaked some things from what past people did then the events would remain stagnant. They inspired us to create someone new and authentic. To think outside of the box and do something that we wanted to do. Something that people can look back on and say "yeah that was AWESOME". This was the time when we were starting to get back out into the in-person world and some may not be comfortable with that so we had devised a plan to have a virtual part and an in-person part of springfest. A brand new virtual program, paintball, bowling, and a whole Mexican restaurant. It was totally AWESOME and it could not have been done without the guidance and advise from Dad Brusoe and Dad Evarts.
Why do you seek this office?
I would like to be a metro region deputy master councilor because I did not do as much during the pandemic and how busy I was with school and home life. Splitting the responsibility with someone else would allow much more flexibility while focusing on the goal of serving the metro region. I would like to be a state scribe as to assist the state in their activities, assisting state officers, continuing to represent New York State DeMolay and participating in councils for state events.
Favorite Activity?
Exercising, Video Games and talking to new people.
How would you describe yourself?
Enthusiastic, outgoing, interested, and optimistic.



NAME: Aedan Bunch
CHAPTER: Meridian Sun
AWARDS: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge, York Rite Tribune, International Demolay of the Year Finalist
OFFICE BEING SOUGHT: Appointed State officer
What is the biggest challenge for New York DeMolay?
I think communication is the biggest issue we need to work on. It is difficult for everyone to communicate since people do this in different ways (texts, emails, facebook, telephone, etc.) and we need to work on this, figuring out how we do this process best.
What is one thing you would change about New York DeMolay? I would change NY Demolay by adding more chapters and members. Since Covid is going away this is a perfect time for members to come out and join. We need to be ready.
How do you plan to help New York DeMolay?
I plan to help NY Demolay grow by adding more chapters in my region and having more fun events in the existing chapters.
What is a challenge you have experienced in DeMolay?
One challenge was my difficulty memorizing the ritual and obligation. I told myself "I am going to do this!" Then I did it and the next meeting I recited the obligation by memory to Dad Draves.
Why do you seek this office?
I want this office because it will open more doors for me and I feel like staying involved in State leadership.
Favorite Activity?
I love running, playing video games and socializing with my friends.
How would you describe yourself?
I am kind, helpful and respectful.

Name: RJ Larson
Chapter Richmond

Awards: Representative DeMolay, Lamp of Knowledge, Chevalier Designee 

What is your favorite activity?

One of my favorite activities is woodturning. It involves rotating a piece of wood known as a blank at high speeds and using cutting tools to create objects such as bowls, pens, table legs, chair legs, and other things that require rotational symmetry. 

How would you describe yourself?

I never like answering this kind of question because there are so many ways to answer it and none ever feel truly satisfying. I would like to describe myself as someone who tries their hardest to be a help for others. I want to be the person who people come to when they don’t know what to do.

How Do you plan to help NY DeMolay?

In my opinion, the most important way to keep young men involved, and to get more young men interested, is to focus on the chapters. No matter what we do state-wide, a majority of DeMolay activity comes from the local chapters. The main purpose of the state level events is to keep DeMolay involved, but does very little to entice new young men into DeMolay. Working with the chapters, helping them hold prospect events, membership drives, and other things that get their name out to their community at large, is what will drive New York DeMolay to the point where it deserves to be: an organization known for helping young men.