2021 Ad Journal Forms!

2020-2021 Yearbook and Ad Journal

With an in-person convention we will be having the 2020-2021 Yearbook and Ad Journal.  DeMolays can sell ads and receive 25% of the cost of the ad towards their convention fee.  Ads are due by June 30, 2021. Forms may be found here: https://nydemolay.net/ss/files/misc/2021_Convention_Ad_Journal_Form%281%29.pdf Questions can be sent to “Mom” Cathie Bartels at Cbartels@nydemolay.org

We are adding pages to make it a year book and an ad journal.  Each chapter is given the option of submitting a page to celebrate 2020-2021 highlighting what they did. The hope is in years to come we can look back and see the year that was! In addition, we are adding pages that highlights the year’s Representative DeMolays, Leadership Correspondence Course, membership pages, graduates and military.

Chapter advisory councils should discuss with their chapter membership what they want their chapter page to look like and submit it. For the other pages we must have the information by June 30, 2021. Chapters may want to include a list of their officers, pictures from their events, pictures of their officers, or other things of interest.

DeMolays may apply 25% of the advertisements sold to their cost of convention!

Good luck!